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Like all industries, the security industry is being shaped by rapid technological development and market disruptions, where evolutionary products and vendor consolidation are a major factor. At the same time, attackers continue honing their skills and have become increasingly sophisticated in the techniques they use to circumvent protection and evade detection. “With more patient and well-trained intruders, limited internal resources, and an attack surface which continues to expand, securing an enterprise is more challenging than ever,” states Mitchelle Schanbaum, CEO, Specialized Security Services, Inc. There is clearly a war raging between organizations’ internal resources to protect the environment, progressively more complex products, and an ever-sprawling network, which is evolving at a hasty pace. Implementing and maintaining a strong security program can be a daunting task for CIOs, within such conditions. As a provider of security consulting, Specialized Security Services, Inc. addresses these issues through a client focused methodology, which concentrates on business processes, understanding critical company drivers and building a prioritized approach to security. “We take on a trusted advisor role to help enterprises focus on the critical aspects of their business by building a security strategy that adapts to their specific needs while evaluating potential new technology alternatives,” adds Schanbaum.

We take a trusted advisor approach to help enterprises focus on the critical aspects of their business by building a security strategy that adapts to their specific needs.

Today’s advanced security products encapsulate functionality outside the traditional definition, evolving from a single function product into multifunctional platforms. Additionally, companies are adopting hosted cloud services to build augmented security ecosystems. These products and services allow for extreme network flexibility for the enterprise operator. However, as network capabilities increase, operations and management becomes ever more complex. In this rapidly changing environment, Specialized Security Services, Inc. collaborates with clients to educate them on technological shifts and analyze ways in which these technologies can be deployed to reduce their overall security exposure. “We help firms align their business and IT strategy to take advantage of these new technology developments,” says Schanbaum.

Specialized Security Services, Inc.’s solutions carefully balance technology and operational requirements with critical information security needs. The company offers consulting services and Compliance Solution Suites, which are comprehensive security service packages that fulfill regulatory obligations and provide risk visibility. These suites provide a framework which enables firms to achieve successful compliance through a straightforward methodology, eliminating guess work. While still meeting the overall requirements, Specialized Security Services, Inc. focuses on existing business processes, allowing for gentle course corrections instead of monumental shifts in organizational direction, which disrupt business continuity.

“We create realistic plans that meet the intent of a manageable security program by understanding their business, culture, environment, and staff,” asserts Schanbaum. Specialized Security Services, Inc.’s methodology is built from best practices within National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), International Organization for Standards (ISO), and Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) to enable customers to maintain a truly secure environment without limiting business growth. The company also follows the latest trends in security technology, which span the enterprise, from firewalls to antivirus to vulnerability scanning and management tools. With this expertise, the company provides recommendations and evaluations of differing technologies to decrease an enterprises’ overall risk.

Having a client base that includes many Fortune 500 companies; Specialized Security Services, Inc. continues to stay at the forefront of the industry by adopting new standards as they emerge, the latest of which is Health Information Trust Alliance (HITRUST). As the healthcare market becomes more regulated, Specialized Security Services, Inc. observes a large security market emerging from hospitals to pharmacies and from medical device manufacturers to self-insured enterprises. “We will continue to adapt to these market dynamics and deliver education to all our customers about these emerging standards,” concludes Schanbaum.